With the release of the Kannada film ‘KGF 2’ the fan love for the actor, Yash has reached the next level. Apart from his acting in the film, his looks in both the series of KGF gained immense popularity. Earlier also his looks in various films were well appreciated by the audience. Over the years, his looks from a boy next door to a macho man in KGF can be seen. Here are some of the best looks of Yash aka Naveen Kumar Gowda from his various films. Yash (Actor) Hairstyles are totally in!!
Yash (Actor) Hairstyles to Copy NOW (to look Unbelievably Handsome)
Oiled Up Simple Hairstyle
In 2011, he got a simple villager look for the film ‘Kirataka.’ His hairstyle was quite simple in the film with a side partition. His hair was oiled up for the look. Adding to the look, he had a rough beard not fully groomed. His look was up to the mark for the film.
Back Layers with Short Bangs Hairstyle
In the 2013 film Raja Huli, he was seen sporting a rough and tough look. In the film, his hairstyle from the back was layered with short bangs in front. The bangs were of medium length keeping half of his forehead visible. His hairstyle was matched up with a dark mustache and light beard.
Layered Hairstyle with Bangs
In this look, Yash got a soft layered hairstyle. His hair was a bit long with front bangs that covered his forehead completely. The cute look was completed with a light beard. He was seen flaunting this look in the film ‘Masterpiece’ (2015).
Cool Spiked Hairstyle
Yash had a cool spiked hairstyle in the film ‘Santhu Straight Forward’ (2016). His front hair was spiked towards one side with small layers at back. His spike was highlighted in brown color.
Dope Free-Flowing Side-Partition Hairstyle
In the film, ‘Rajadhani’ (2011), he flaunted a cool boy look. He had a free-flowing hairstyle with side-parted hair matching up with a well-groomed beard.
Sexy KGF 1 Hairstyle
He gained immense popularity with his look in the famous film ‘KGF 1’ (2018). His wet long straight hairstyle gave oomph to his look. Whereas, his long dark beard gave a rough and tough look to his character. After the popularity of the film, Indian men were spotted copying his look.
Deep Side Partition KGF 2 Sophisticated Look
In the sequel of KGF 1, you saw him flaunting the new cool look. Yeah, you remember that loosely falling hair. In the film, he had a slick combed-back long hairstyle. His hair was straightened for the look, and his thick and long beard added swag to his look.
Hair Band Hairstyle
Apart from films, he has been seen flaunting quite cool looks off-screen as well. In one such look, he was seen wearing a hairband with open hair. This hairstyle is quite an easy-to-go hairstyle and perfect for those casual looks. You can rock this look with any casual outfit or even the formal ones. So, go for this one without any hesitation – this one is going to look perfect, for sure.
Bun Hairstyle
Many celebrities are opting for this famous bun look, including super handsome Turkish actor, Can Yaman (who has rocked this look already). Yash has also appeared with the bun look at various events. He made the look more adorable with his thick long beard. Later, the look became quite famous among the Indian men.
After going through his famous looks we can definitely call him a style icon. He surely knows the hair game very well.
So, these were some of the popular Yash (Actor) Hairstyles, the super stylish hero of India Yash that you can copy now. The looks are totally in, so choose any of it. You’ll look handsome (No matter which one you choose) *Wink Wink*
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